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Leo van Doeselaar

Concerts 2025

December 6 - 20:15 - Orgelpark, Amsterdam
Louis Vierne: Sonate for cello and piano with Gregor Horsch and 3d Symphony for organ

November 30 - 15:00 - Michaëlskerk, Oosterland
Concert on the Teschemacher-organ, together with Marten Root - traversi 

October 18 - 13:00 - Martinikerk, Groningen
Schnitger Festival: lunch recital with Rodrigo López Paz- barock oboe (Le Picard-organ) 

October 15 - Conservatoire Balthasar-Florence, Namur (B)

October 14 - 20:00 - Saint-Loup, Namur (B)
Concert on the two Thomas-organs

October 11 - 14:00 - Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Matinee with Radio Choir and the string players of the Dutch Radio Philharmonic Orchestra
Requiem by Duruflé

September 27 - 20:00 - Martinikerk, Groningen
Organ concert with works by Mendelssohn, Schumann and Worp
Serie of four concerts in the Martinikerk and Akerk: 'In the spirit of Bach'

September 26 - 14:00-18:00 - Martinikerk, Groningen

September 15 - 19:30 - St.Maurice, Olomouc (Czech Republic)
Bach organ concert on the historical Engler-console
'From Ohrdruf till Leipzig'

August 15 - 20:00 - Grote Kerk, Harlingen
Concert on the Hinsz/Flentrop-organ

August 12 - 20:15 - Grote Kerk, Brouwershaven
Organ concert

August 10 - 19:30 - Katharinenkirche, Brandenburg (D)
Organ concert

August 7 - 20:00 - Bovenkerk, Kampen
Organ concert on the Hinsz- and the Reil-organ

August 2 - 20:00 - Groote Kerk, Maassluis
Bach concert on the Garrels-organ

August 1 - 15:00 - Martinikerk, Groningen
Demonstration of both organs

July 31 - 20:00 - Grote Kerk, Epe
Organ concert on the Meere-/Reil-organ

July 13 - 17:30 - Dom, Sankt-Gallen (Switzerland)
Organ concert

July 9 - 20:00 - Martinikerk, Groningen
Organ concert

July 3 - 12:00 - Holmens Kirke, Copenhagen
Opening concert Bach Festival

June 22 - 15:00 - Maria van Jessekerk, Delft
Concert on the Maarschalkerweerd-organ

June 20 - 20:00 - St.Willibrordusbasiliek, Hulst
Organ concert

June 1 - 17:00 - Klosterkirche, Muri (Switzerland)
Concert on two organs with Vincent Thévenaz

May 18, 2025 - 13:30 - Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra under Klaus Mäkelä
Symphonie 8 - Gustav Mahler

May 16, 2025 - 20:15 - Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra under Klaus Mäkelä
Symphonie 8 - Gustav Mahler

April 30, 2025 - 20:00 - OLV Kerk, Bornem (B)
Bach organ recital on the Thomas-organ

April 23-25, 2025 - Hochschule für Musik, Hannover
Masterclass Scheidt (400 years), Sweelinck, Cornet and Bach  

April 16, 2025 - 19:30 - Christuskirche, München 
Bach organ recital: Passion

April 13, 2025 - 12:00 - Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra under Riccardo Minasi
Matthäus Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach

April 11, 2025 - 20:15 - Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra under Riccardo Minasi
Matthäus Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach

April 5, 2025 - 16:00 - Dorpskerk, Wassenaar
Concert on the Hinsz-van Dam-organ

February 22, 2025 - 20:00 - Orgelpark, Amsterdam
Bach & Bach on the baroque organ and in transcriptions by Busoni on the Erard Grandpiano

